Hamilton Grange National Memorial

Hamilton Grange National Memorial

Today I had the honor of visiting a new National Park Service site- Hamilton Grange National Memorial! Hamilton Grange is a really exciting site and I had a wonderful time visiting. It was the home of Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the United States. Alexander Hamilton was a crucial part of the creation of our Constitution and he was also an author of the Federalist Papers. As if that wasn't enough, he was also the first secretary of the treasury! Sadly, he was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr.

Hamilton Grange National Memorial

Here I am in front of Hamilton Grange. It's a pretty yellow home built in the Federalist style. It was designed by an architect named John McComb Jr. I got to walk around inside the house on a guided tour, but the memorial also has open house periods where you can explore the house with a ranger nearby. The rangers at Hamilton Grange are really nice and they were so friendly to me. I had a great time doing the Junior Ranger program there.

Hamilton Grange National Memorial

Here I am with a portrait of Alexander Hamilton. He had eight children with his wife! I saw the dining room, where I imagined the whole family seated around the table. I also saw the Hamilton family's original piano, which was very beautiful.

Hamilton Grange National Memorial

This is a really cool model of Hamilton Grange. It's on a lazy susan, so you can spin it around and see the model from all sides. I think it would make an awesome dollhouse!

Hamilton Grange National Memorial

At the end of the tour, I went back downstairs and said goodbye to the rangers. The woman in the photo is a really nice volunteer. She's the one who checked my Junior Ranger booklet and gave me my badge.

If you have the chance the visit Hamilton Grange National Memorial, you definitely should! The basement has a really nice museum with a movie room and a bookstore.   If you'd like to learn more about Alexander Hamilton and Hamilton Grange, check out the memorial's website at www.nps.gov/hagr!

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